Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Me" " Me"

What is it about seeing ourselves that brings such pleasure to us?

Today I watched Caitlin our soon to be 2 granddaughter get so excited about seeing herself on a homemade photo card and it was pure delight to watch her expression and hear her sweet voice say "Me" "me" with all the wonder and amazement a 2 year old holds in their pure heart!
She wasn't the least bit impressed by the new outfit or the little dollar store purse but was in awe when she saw herself... last year's birthday photos on a piece of paper...so exciting!!!

I saw similar reactions in Kitale Africa when we would take pictures of the children and then show them their picture on the camera...BIG SMILES would break forth as they saw themselves in the camera display window and then giggly laughter would bubble up out of them..some of them i'm sure had never had the opportunity to look in a mirror nonetheless see a photo image!

I think that's how God designed it..to take joy in who we are..who He created us to be and often we lose sight of that as we grow up and begin to compare ourselves with others. Knowing that God made each one of us ..thought about us from the begininng of time (now that's a long time) created and made plans for each of our lives, without ever making a duplicate is something to marvel about don't you think..makes me want to go look in the mirror and get excited about what I see..how about you?..there's no one like YOU or ME..no not ONE and the Father says you are fearfully and wonderfully made..now that's something I find joy in.
Let's get excited about who we are ..perfectly made in every way...and enjoy each other and our uniqueness ..we are His plan and His plan is always the BEST!!!


