Monday, October 6, 2008

the rescue...

self-rightness exposed!!!

My dear husband had minor surgery today to remove a cataract and put in a new lens enabling him to see more clearly..He left the office with a patched eye..the pirate look!!! Being the "no fear" .."no big deal" thinking kind of man he is , he sailed through the procedure and of course had the surgeon laughing during the course of the event...even Pavarati's timing was right on and the minor surgery ended with "applause" for both the singer's performance and the surgeons..quite a unique marketing strategy don't you think..Don loved it..he thought the applause was for him!!!!

Now being the man that he is he really didn't ask for "my presence" or invite me to be by his side ( you know to hold his hand or something) but i thought i would be the wise, well wiser, compassionate wife and go to his "aid" know drive him home at least as "recommended" by the doctor's office. So I got in my car and headed for the office 2 minutes from our place, expecting to come to the "rescue". New lens in place we left and headed for our individual cars....he drove his own vehicle there..remember he wasn't asking for my help.

The plan was to take one vehicle home and i would chauffeur him around for the next few hours while He thoughts. I was parked directly behind him and we decided to drive a short distance .. to the next parking lot over where there is an amazing Bagel place ( I had rushed out of the house without breakfast as I was on a rescue mission)..the one-eyed patched man gets in his vehicle and drives carefully and speedily over to the Bagel store. The ever wise ,compassionate rescuing wife gets in her car and drives swiflty up and over and onto the curb that she forgets is in front of her vehicle...Yep, I did just that and now guess who's coming to whose rescue???

After a failed attempt to reverse out of the situation , my handy dandy cell phone needs to do its job,HOW EMBARRASSING...AND HUMBLING ... STRANDED ON THE CURB AND REQUESTING AID FROM A POST OPERATIVE PATIENT,that i had come to help out..there really was no one else around at the time ...
"could you please help me..i'm hung up on the curb"...silence

the one eyed patched man came walking back across the lot to my rescue ,assessed the situation with his one eye and after an unsuccessfull attempt at reversing the car back over the curb he told "moi" to get in and he( the just finished surgery man) "lifted" the car up and over the curb while i put the "pedal to the medal in reverse" so to speak.. back and over the curb we went ...
guess I wasn't much of a rescuer today huh..but the warm cinnamon bagel and tea comforted and soothed my soul and I realized once again that men are just made for rescuing damsels in distress... even when they are only seeing out of one eye...

I hate it when i think the "No big deals" are "Big Deals" and then it's made clear to me that maybe they aren't as big a deal as I thought they were!!!! I guess I could have just believed him and waited patiently at home...but then I might have missed out on that warm bagel and cup of tea..
Life's journey is full of experiences and memories we can share together.. i think we had a memorable day!

New International Version (NIV)
The man (woman) who thinks he/she knows something does not yet know as he/she ought to know.
1 Corinthians 8:1-3 ( in context)

thanks Prince were my Hero today!!! Just think what you will do with all that new vision you've just acquired

and then there was none!!!!

i thought i had self-control seemed to slip away every time i took another" one" out of the box .
I can do it i told myself after taking "a few" out of the box and leaving the box downstairs in the cupboard far from the computer room i was in..aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh...just "one" more.......
back down again ............ another handful...okay that's it!!! more..that should satisfy this little sweet craving i have...well just one last one..back down again to that cupboard.... hhhhhhmmmmm....might as well take that BOX up with me and keep it in the computer room ..just in case i want some more tomorrow or the next day...... HAHAHa..
mmmmmmmm...sooooo good..just one more...mmmmmm..okay another......tummy beginning to feel a little chocolated out...mmmmmm but last one...
only" two" left..well one more...AWWWWWWWWWW mine as well eat that last one can't leave one little cashew in the box all alone !!!
It may as well join the rest of them in my not feeling so good tum tum !!!

not feeling so great now!

Self control is a very fine way to i think i'll just control myself time:):)
Thanks Jenaya and Mikayla for all those fine boxes of you think you could help me out with the self-control ..maybe we could eat them together next time!!!