Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh Canada

Oh Canada where do you Stand?
The blessing was once upon your land
You stood for truth in years gone by
Why have you believed the lies?

Creeping, sneaking, prowling about
ravenous wolves devouring your offspring
catching you off guard!

is the cry we hear
a self-centered, self-willed child you've become!

Look at all the charities, nobel causes, benevolent funds,
humanitarianism, multi-culturism, never-ending laws,
Your heart protests
While your family lies in ruins before your very eyes
because of your neglect

The truths you revel in right now
Lock people in prisons of despair
It used to be "Thy Kingdom Come"
and now its "MY will be done"
What hope do you find there?

Your children,
Prodigals, prostitutes, homeless they've become
worshipping idols, images of men and starving for love

What will bring you to your knees once again?

brokeness ...humility
caused your forefathers to cry aloud
"WHO AM I????"
and looking to the WORD
The answer it rang clear
A son, a daughter, a child, a brother, a sister , a husband, a wife
a mother , a father,
A friend of could you ever forget..the one who created you

And thankfulness is the key
that unlocks the human heart and soul
for God who loves and created you purposes to make you whole

So give thanks and surrender to a way that's higher than yours
It's the very freeing power that you have been searching for
God knows more than you will ever know

His truths will bring you back to life
and bring restoration for you to return
to truly standing on guard again!


Anonymous said...

woah! did you write this grandma? that is so good!

whereyouleadme said...

I did and i believe the Holy Spirit inspires us to sometimes i'm surprised at what comes out too and then I remember that God desires to speak things to us and then to others through us..we just have to be His instruments that He can speak through..i think that's pretty amazing..I know He speaks through you too!