Thursday, September 18, 2008


today was a great day!Why was it so great you ask???
Well i got some more bookwork done YAY ... and my brain didn't hurt or freeze up....maybe because i only exercised it half of the day not the whole day! sometimes i'm just a little impatient and want to get it all done at once...ever felt that way... well with some things you just can't get caught up ever..there's always more waiting for you the next don't sweat it... accept it

a nice surprise...I got to see two of my grandchildren briefly and so I got some precious"hugs" from both Maddie (4) and Caleb (2 1/2)..he's always got a great big smiley "Hiya"and his enthusiasm is so sweet and he gives the best kisses ever....

our new counter top arrivedTODAY and is now sitting pretty in our kitchen along with a brand spankin new double sink, that we could almost bathe in!!!!
even though the water's not hooked up yet , i'm so excited that i can actually see it in it's place..and i'm even dreaming about filling it up with water and soap suds and dirty can tell i've been without a kitchen sink for a little while ..just remove something that's taken for granted or has become familiar from your life for a while and see how thankful you become.. I'M VERY THANKFUL!!! bathrooms and dishes just don't quite go together in my books...

and last but not least

another great thing about today was that I took some time to spend with a very special lady ..Hannah... she is 81 years young.. God's gift of a grandma in my life ..there is something about her that reminds me of my grandma and i do miss not being able to really get to know my grandma. There's also something about making time in your life for the older generation that has gone before you..not only are they full of wisdom and life experiences they are not in a hurry and life slows down to a livable pace, I realized once again just what life is all about ..relationships.. not getting a 101 things done in a day , one job after the next, it's making time for people and caring about them ...taking time to listen..asking questions..sharing stories..valuing who they are and honoring their lives andhow they overcame the challenges they were faced with.
Thanks Hannah for lunch was a breath of fresh air ..just to sit and relax and enjoy each other!
consider taking a grandma or grandpa to lunch , give them a quick phone call ,share a cup of tea together.. you will be blessed.................................................and so will they!

God sets the lonely in families....what a blessing to have one


Unknown said...

I'm so happy for you! The new kitchen is SO GORGEOUS!!!!

whereyouleadme said...

thanks Colleen ..step by step we're getting there..and mostly i'm learning to enjoy the journey!

luv you

Roo said...

:) love you linda.
happy for your kitchen joy!
and yes...God does set the lonely in families. God sets a lot of lonely people in your particular family. xo